Discover the Power of All-Natural, Science-Backed Ingredients.
Choosing high-quality supplements can make a world of difference in your health and well-being. Nude Health supplements, for instance, prioritise quality by utilising only FDA GRAS approved ingredients and adhering to the stringent standards of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) within ISO 14644:2015 parts 1 and 3 certified pharmaceutical clean rooms in the UK. At every step of the manufacturing journey, experienced machinists and specially trained staff meticulously oversee the process to ensure excellence. This dedication to quality is not only recognised but also endorsed by esteemed authorities such as the MHRA, the Health Food Manufacturers Association, the FDA, and the Soil Association. Choosing our high quality supplements not only guarantees safety and but also harnesses the full potential of natural ingredients, providing a myriad benefits from these carefully engineered formulas.

May enhance cognitive performance and mental focus
Ashwagandha promotes antioxidant activity, protecting your nerve cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Studies have also shown Ashwagandha to boost memory, reaction time and cognitive performance whilst further research concluded Ashwagandha’s positive effect on attention span.
Increases muscle mass and strength
Research exhibits Ashwagandha’s ability to improve body composition and increase muscle strength. One study found Ashwagandha to significantly enhance muscle strength and size as well as speeding up fat loss.
Helps to alleviate stress
Cortisol, commonly known as the “stress hormone”, is released in response to stress. Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce cortisol levels thereby reducing stress, anxiety and depression.
Promotes healthy immune response
Scientific research has found Ashwagandha to enhance the activity of immune cells that fight infection.
Boosts testosterone and increases male fertility
Ashwagandha supplentation has been shown to significantly increase testosterone levels and reproductive health in men. On one study conducted with 75 infertile men, those taking ashwagandha showed increased sperm count and motility.
Avena Sativa
Avena Sativa
May improve mood and promote mental health
Traditionally used as a treatment for stress, anxiety and depression, studies suggest Avena Sativa may do so by inhibiting enzyme PDE4, found in immune cells.
Helps to combat inflammation
Avena Sativa is rich in antioxidants, specifically avenanthramides, shown to reduce inflammation. Reducing inflammation decreases your risk of conditions like Heart Disease, Diabetes and specific Cancers.
May help boost brain function in adults
Studies have shown that supplementing with Avena Sativa can significantly improve memory, attention and concentration.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Promotes heart health
Research suggests ACV can lower cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure contributing to the reduction of heart disease risk.
Antibacterial, antiviral & antifungal
Studies indicate the healthy bacteria found in ACV can defend the body from pathogens, such as E-coli.
Promotes a healthy gut
ACV contains gut friendly bacteria and antimicrobial and antioxidant qualities. Shown to have antiviral, anti-yeast and antifungal benefits, ACV supports the microbiome and overall immune balance.
May aid weight loss
Human studies show that ACV supplementation can increase the feeling of fullness, encouraging weight loss.
May help regulate blood sugar levels
ACV has been used to help treat Type 2 Diabetes, a condition characterised by high blood sugar levels caused by insulin resistance. Studies have shown ACV may improve insulin sensitivity.
Black Pepper
Black Pepper
Potent antioxidant
Black Pepper has powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help prevent and delay the damaging effects caused by free radicals, notably; oxidative stress and inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been linked to several degenerative health conditions – Heart Disease, certain Cancers and premature ageing.
May promote gut health
The constitution of your gut bacteria has been linked to immune function, chronic disease and your mental health. Research suggests that Black Pepper may increase the good bacteria in your gut.
Improves bioavailability of turmeric (curcumin)
Piperine, the active ingredient in Black Pepper, has been shown to increase Curcumin bioavailability by over 2000%.
May help regulate blood sugar
A 2012 study concluded that a small daily dose of Piperine may help to regulate / reduce blood sugar, posing a possible benefit to diabetics.
Enhances nutrient absorbtion, promoting healthy digestion
A 2007 study concluded that dietary Piperine stimulates the digestive enzymes of the pancreas, thereby appearing to reduce digestive conditions but also aid nutrient absorbtion.
Bacopa Monnieri Extract
Bacopa Monnieri Extract
Powerful antioxidant that may protect you from chronic disease
Bacopa contains bacosides. This compound has antioxidant effects and has been shown to neutralise free radicals, combatting the oxidative and inflammatory damagethat free radicals cause. This damage is linked to many chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative conditions.
Enhance brain function
As well as helping to protect your brain from oxidative damage, studies signify Bacopa supplementation improves speed of processing visual information, memory, learning rate and attention span.
May prevent stress and anxiety
Bacopa is considered an adaptogen, meaning that it increases your body’s resistance to stress. Research suggests Bacopa helps to alleviate stress and anxiety by improving mood and reducing levels of cortisol, a hormone closely linked to regulation of stress.
Bifidobacterium Blend
Bifidobacterium Blend
Help balance the friendly bacteria in your digestive system
Bifido promotes healthy bacteria in the gut, wards off unhealthy bacteria and contributes to the formation of normal intestinal flora. Bifido has also been shown to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms associated with Celiac disease and combat constipation.
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Promotes immune response and stimulates immune function in all age groups
Studies illustrate that Bifido promotes and stimulates a healthy immune response and reduces the frequency of respiratory tract infections.
Improves skin health & hydration
Bifido can reduce the risk of developing eczeme, increase skin hydration and clearness, and improve both skin elasticity and hydration.
Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper
May boost your metabolism and reduce hunger
The Capsaicin in Cayenne Pepper helps to increase the amount of heat your body produces thereby, increasing calorie burn. This compound is also shown to reduce hunger, aiding weight loss.
Promotes digestive health
Cayenne Pepper, like other spices may enhance the stomach’s defences against infection and aid digestion.
Improves quality of sleep
Chamomile contains an antioxidant called Apigenin. Apigenin binds to certain receptors in your brain that may promote sleep and reduce insomnia. Studies have shown that Chamomile intake can reduce the symptoms of depression and increase sleep duration.
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May better regulate blood sugar
In one study, those who consumed Chamomile tea daily with meals for eight weeks had significantly reduced blood sugar levels compared to the control group, who consumed only water with meals.
May help to ease anxiety
Research shows Chamomile’s potential benefit in its ability to ease mild anxiety, contributing to improved mental health.
May promote heart health
Chamomile contains flavones, a type of antioxidant. Studies have shown flavones in Chamomile to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels, contributing to a reduction in heart disease risk.
May help with digestive complaints
Research and studies show chamomile helps to ease inflammatory digestive issues, such as Diverticulitis and Oesophageal reflux as well as ward off stomach ulcers.
Citrus bioflavonoids
Citrus bioflavonoids
Powerful antioxidant
Citrus bioflavonoids are flavonoids, naturally occuring in citrus fruits. They are potent, highly concentrated natural antioxidants. Free radicals destroy your cells from the inside out, causing oxidative stress and inflammation. Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress is considered a leading cause of chronic Cardiovascular and Neurological Disease. Flavonoids increase your body’s antioxidant defences, disable free radicals and prevent your body from producing them.
Allergy fighting
The oxidative stress caused by free radicals leads to allergic reaction. Flavonoids have been shown to be effective in combatting Asthma, Rhinitis and Dermatitis.
May repair and protect DNA
Studies suggest bioflavonoids help repair radiation damage, remove toxins from your body, defend your body against bacteria and even speed up the process of repairing your DNA.
Protects your brain health
Neurological conditions such as Dementia, Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease have long been adversely linked to oxidative stress and chronic inflammation. Flavonoids antioxidant effect combats oxidative stress, and may minimise the risk neurodegenerative conditions as well as help your brain repair itself.
May reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease
Oxidative stress and inflammation are a major contributing factor to the onset of Coronary Heart Disease. Bioflavonoids have been shown to contribute to cardiovascular health and reduce your risk of Cardiovascular Disease.
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10
Vital to the wellbeing of all of your cells and tissues.
CoQ10 is a compound made by your body and is stored in the mitochondria of all of your cells. Its primary function is to generate energy in your cells and help synthesise Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), which is involved in energy transfer within your cells, crucial to all bodily functions. CoQ10 is also a potent antioxidant that protects your cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals and proven to contribute to several chronic diseases and conditions.
Could boost energy levels and enhance athletic performace
Oxidative stress adversely affects muscle function and consequently exercise performance. CoQ10 is an antioxidant and central to energy generation through its interaction with mitochondria. Studies show CoQ10 enhances exercise performance by decreasing oxidative stress in the cells and improving mitochondrial functions.
May boost heart health and treat heart failure
Heart failure is the result of various health concerns, such as high blood pressure or Coronary Artery Disease. These conditions lead to oxidative damage and inflammation. Heart failure occurs when your heart is unable to healthily contract, relax and pump blood through the body. It is thought CoQ10 may be an effective treatment by helping to provide the heart with increased energy, reduce oxidative damage and improve heart function. In one study 420 people with heart failure were treated with CoQ10 for 2 years. Their symptoms improved and their risk of dying from heart problems decreased. In a similar study of 641 participants with heart failure, those treated with CoQ10 were hospitalised less frequently and experienced fewer complications than the placebo group.
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Might help to prevent cancer
Oxidative stress causes cell damage, increasing the risk of several chronic diseases, including Cancer. CoQ10 protects your cells from oxidative damage and enhances cellular energy production, promoting health and immunity. Low CoQ10 levels have been associated with up to a 53.3% higher risk of Cancer and may increase chance of Cancer recurrance.
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May help with fertility
CoQ10 is believed to reverse age related decline in egg quality and quantity in females, by protecting the eggs from oxidative damage. Similarly, CoQ10 protects male sperm from oxidative stress, which studies suggest may improve sperm quality, activity and concentration.
Promotes brain health and fights neurodegenerative conditions
The brain is especially vulnerable to oxidative damage due to its high fatty acid content and demand for oxygen. Oxidative damage increases the production of harmful compounds that can adversely affect memory, cognition and physical functions. CoQ10 may combat oxidative stress and enhance mitochondrial function, plus slow the progression of Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease linked to age related decline of mitochondrial function.
Reduces wrinkles and hydrates your skin
Collagen helps to strengthen your skin. As you age, your body produces less Collagen leading to dry skin and wrinkles. Collagen supplementation has been shown to slow the ageing of your skin, reduce wrinkles and dryness and increase skin elasticity.
May promote cardiovascular health
Collagen provides the structure to your arteries. Deficiency leads to arteries becoming weak and fragile, possibly leading to the narrowing of the arteries (Atherosclerosis) and consequently the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Helps to relieve joint pain
Collagen is crucial to maintaining your cartilage, the tissue that protects your joints. Studies indicate Collagen supplementation may reduce joint pain.
May strengthen hair & nails
Collagen supplementation may stimulate hair and nail growth and strength.
Promotes health bone density
Your bones are mostly comprised of collagen. As you advance in years, your Collagen levels reduce, as does your bone density. Studies show that Collagen supplements may help to inhibit the bone breakdown that can lead to Osteoporosis.
Docosahexaenoic Acid
Docosahexaenoic Acid
Cardio protective nutrient essential for cardiovascular health
DHA reduces heart disease risk. DHA supplementation can reduce the risk of sudden heart-related death, decreased blood triglycerides (fat) and increased ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. DHA has been shown to reduce diastolic blood pressure (bottom number), reducing risk of heart attack and stroke.
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DHA’s anti-inflammatory properties may reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Chronic inflammation increases the risk of several cancers, notably; colorectal, pancreatic, breast and prostate cancer. Studies show that DHA can reduce cancer risk and even inhibit cancer cell growth.
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Essential for the growth, maintenance and functional development of the brain
DHA is a crucial component to the healthy growth and functional development of the brain in infants and vital for the maintenance of the healthy brain function in adults. Studies appear to suggest a positive correlation between a mothers’ DHA levels before childbirth and the child’s later learning ability, intelligence, communication, social skills as well as a decreased risk of ADHD, autism and cerebral palsy. In adults a review of 20 observational studies showed higher intake of DHA was linked to a reduced risk of mental decline. This may indicate DHA might help to prevent or delay neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimers and Parkinson’s.
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Improves male reproductive health
DHA deficiency is the most common cause of low-quality sperm. Adequate DHA intake has been proven to support sperm health and motility.
Contributes to normal eye health and may help to combat macular degeneration and glaucoma
Studies have shown DHA to be effective in treating dry eyes. DHA has also been shown to significantly improve macular function, help to treat or delay age related macular degeneration, and decrease the risk of glaucoma.
Eicosapentaenoic Acid
Eicosapentaenoic Acid
Cardio protective nutrient essential for cardiovascular health
EPA, like DHA, contributes to the reduction of sudden heart-related death risk, the reduction of blood triglycerides (fat) and increased ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. Whilst DHA has been shown to reduce diastolic blood pressure, EPA reduces systolic blood pressure (top number), reducing the risk of heart disease.
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Helps to fight inflammation
Inflammation is a natural bodily response to infection and damage, however should it persist inflammation becomes chronic. Chronic inflammation can contribute to almost every chronic Western illness, including heart disease and cancer. Studies have routinely observed a connection between higher omega-3 intake (DHA & EPA) and reduced inflammation.
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Alleviates eye dryness and reduces risk of glaucoma
Studies indicate that EPA, alongside DHA is effective at alleviating dry eyes and reducing the risk of glaucoma.
Helps to combat depression
Ingesting sufficient levels of both DHA and EPA is associated with a reduced risk of depression. Both compounds aid serotonin, the ‘happy’ hormone associated with balancing mood. One study conducted on 22,000 adults in Norway concluded that DHA and EPA supplementation reduced the incidents of symptoms stemming from depression by some 30%. EPA however appears to be the most effective omega-3 fatty acid in fighting depression. One study found EPA to be as effective against depression as a common antidepressant pharmaceutical drug.
Contributes to normal eye health and may help to combat macular degeneration and glaucoma
Studies have shown DHA to be effective in treating dry eyes. DHA has also been shown to significantly improve macular function, help to treat or delay age related macular degeneration, and decrease the risk of glaucoma.
Low calorie and packed full of goodness
Elderberries are packed full of antioxidants, phenolic acids, flavonols and anthocyanins. They are also rich in Fibre and vitamin C.
Promotes heart health
Studies have shown eldeberry supplementation may reduce the level of fat in the blood and lower cholesterol. A further study found that elderberry may help to lower blood sugar.
May reduce Cold and Flu symptoms
Elderberry supplementation has been shown to reduce the severity and length of influenza and the common cold.
Potent antioxidant that may help to prevent cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease
Diets high in antioxidants have been shown to help prevent cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative conditions and even cancer.
Powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefit
Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger and hosts potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Chronic inflammation caused by oxidative stress has been linked to several degenerative cardiovascular and neurological conditions. Gingerol helps to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation caused by the build up of free radicals in the body.
May assist weightloss
A 2019 literature review concluded that Ginger supplementation significantly reduced body weight in people with obesity and had an overall positive effect on weight loss.
Can help fight infections
Gingerol can inhibit multiple forms of bacteria. It is highly efective in combatting Inflammatory Gum Disease caused by oral bacteria, as well as respiratory infections.
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May alleviate joint pain
Gingerol’s anti-inflammatory effect may assist in relieving joint pain associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
May significantly reduce menstrual pain
A 2009 study found that Ginger powder was as effective at reducing menstrual pain as nonsteroidal ant-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), Mefanamic Acid and Ibufrofen.
Relieves nausea
Ginger is well regarded as being effective in relieving nausea. Studies indicate that Ginger may be helpful in alleviating chemotherapy-related nausea, but its ability to alleviate pregnancy-related nausea has been well documented.
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May enhance neurological function
A 2012 study found that daily doses of Ginger extract improved reaction time and working memory.
Protects you from oxidative stress
Studies have shown that Ginseng extracts inhibit inflammation and reduce oxidative stress, by increasing antioxidant enzyme activities – protecting your cells and tissues from damage and warding off chronic conditions associated with inflammation.
Fights tiredness and increases energy levels
Research indicates that Ginseng supplementation can result in reduced mental and physical fatigue. A further review of over 150 studies suggested that Ginseng supplementation not only reduces fatigue, but might also enhance physical performance.
May boost brain function and benefit mental health
One study followed 30 healthy people and found that people who consumed 200mg of Ginseng daily for four weeks showed improvements in mental health, social functioning and mood. Another study found Ginseng supplementation improved working memory, math skills and calmness.
Might lower blood sugar
Studies show that Ginseng can decrease blood sugar levels and increase insulin sensitivity substantially.
May improve erectile dysfunction
Research indicates that Ginseng can be effective in treating erectile disfunction. One study found that Ginseng can be up to twice as effective at improving erectile dysfunction symptoms compared to medical treatments.
Ginkgo BilobaExtract
Ginkgo BilobaExtract
Contains powerful antioxidants
High levels of potent antioxidants, terpenoids and flavonoids are contained in Ginkgo. Antioxidants help to combat the oxidative damage and inflammation caused by free radicals, protecting the body’s tissues and DNA from harm. Research shows that Ginkgo reduces inflammation in conditions such as, arthritis, cancer, heart disease and stroke.
May help to combat anxiety
One study found that Ginkgo supplementation reduced symptoms of anxiety by as much as 45%. Research suggests this may be a consequence of it’s antioxidant effect.
Boosts circulation and heart health
Studies show ginkgo’s ability to stimulate blood flow. Ginkgo is shown to increase levels of nitric oxide, a compound responsible for dilating blood vessels. Improved circulation and oxidation throughout your body promotes all round cardiovascular health.
May preserve cognitive function and enhance mental performance
Research suggests a positive correlation between Ginkgo supplementation and improved memory, focus and attention span.
Grapeseed Extract
Grapeseed Extract
Can reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health
A peer review of 16 studies found that grapeseed extract (GSE), significantly reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in those with high blood pressure. Further studies have found that GSE can improve blood flow, reducing the risk of blood clots and heart attacks, as well as significantly reducing leg swelling after prolonged periods of sitting.
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Boosts your skin health & appearance
GSE improves sebum production, skin appearance and skin elasticity. GSE is also thought to increase Collagen levels in your body, which leads to healthier, plumper, better hydrated skin.
Potent antioxidant
GSE contains polyphenols, some of the most potent antioxidants. These substances protect your cells and tissues from oxidative damage and inflammation caused by free radicals. Antioxidants protect the tissues in your heart, brain, and other organs.
May reduce your cancer risk
High dietary intake of antioxidants are believed to reduce the risk of multiple Cancers.
Protects you from neurodegenerative disease
Polyphenols antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect are believed to reduce the risk and onset of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Can promote healthy sleep patterns
Studies show that supplementation with Hops can decrease anxiety and promote better sleep quality.
May reduce anxiety, stress and depression levels
In a controlled clinical trial hops showed significant reduction in anxiety, stress and symptoms of depression compared to a placebo group.
5-HTP (99%)
5-HTP (99%)
Promotes sleep by increasing melatonin production
5-HTP produces serotonin, which plays a role in the body’s sleep hormone, melatonin. Melatonin levels naturally rise in the evening to encourage sleep, and fall in the morning to help you wake. 5-HTP has been shown to increase melatonin production, resulting in increased sleep duration and improved sleep quality.
May help reduce frequency of migraines
Some research suggests there is a link between low serotonin levels and the occurence of migraines. One study examined the effectiveness of 5-HTP and a common migraine medication at preventing migraines. 5-HTP decreased the number of migraine attacks in 71% of participants and its beneficial effect was closely comparable to the pharmaceutical grade drug, but with less side effects. Another study found that 5-HTP resulted in a 70% decrease in headache frequency, compared to only an 11% decrease in the placebo group.
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Reduces symptoms of depression by boosting serotonin production
Serotonin is a hormone that is central to regulating our mood and feelings of wellbeing and happiness. Depression is believed to be caused by an imbalance of the body’s serotonin levels. 5-HTP increases serotonin production and has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression.
May aid weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness
5-HTP has been shown to inhibit the intake of calories from carbohydrates, which helps to better regulate blood sugar. 5-HTP has also been shown to suppress appetite. One study showed that when compared to the placebo group, 5-HTP supplementation resulted in over 400 fewer calories being consumed per day. Further studies have found that 5-HTP increased feelings of fullness and consequently aided weight loss in overweight or obese people.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid
Reduce skin dryness and appearance of wrinkles
Hyaluronic acid bonds with water molecules in your skin moving water throughout your dermal layers to distribute moisture. As you age, levels decline. Supplementation may reduce this decline, boosting skin hydration and reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
Speeds up wound healing
Hyaluronic acid regulates inflammation levels and encourages your body to construct new blood vessels in the damaged area, speeding up healing.
Promotes thyroid health
The thyroid requires Iodine to regulate hormone production. These hormones control your metabolism, heart health and more. Deficiency can cause an underactive thyroid, leading to Hypothyroidism.
Stabalises your heart rate
The thyroid gland controls your heart rate. Iodine deficiency can slow heart rate having a negative impact on energy levels.
Promotes healthy cognitive development
Iodine deficiency leads to low thyroid hormone levels. This can hinder the growth and development of your brain. Chronic Iodine deficiency can cause your hippocampus to shrink. The hippocampus is central to memory and learning.
Healthy fetal development
Iodine deficiency when pregnant increases the likelihood of stillbirth, and may lead to your baby having a lower IQ and birth weight.
Transports oxygen throughout your body by producing hemoglobin
Iron is needed to make the protein, Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin helps transport oxygen around your body. Insufficient Iron levels cause Anaemia, requiring your heart, brain and lungs to work harder and decreasing the efficiency of your organs.
Improves your mental focus focus
Promotes healthy immune response
Immune cells require Iron to sustain their function and effectiveness.
Reduces tiredness & fatigue
Insufficient Iron levels limit the oxygen that can be supplied to your brain and muscles, crucial for mental and physical performance. Low levels can lead to poor focus, irritability and reduced stamina.
Maintains healthy cognitive function
LactobacillusAcidophilus DDS1
LactobacillusAcidophilus DDS1
Universally recognised, widely studied and proven to benefit all round gut health, wellbeing & immunity
Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS1 is universally considered to be one of the most effective probiotic strains. The DDS1 strain is resistant to stomach acid and bile, proven to survive the entire digestive tract, and is well tolerated in virtually all age groups. DDS1 has been shown to flourish in the intestinal environment, successfully colonise the gastrointestinal tract, alleviate gastrointestinal distress, promote healthy immune responses to allergens, stimulate the immune system, enhance gut flora, reduce bloating and support digestion.
Immunity boosting
Taking L. acidoplilus has been found to support and boost a healthy immune system. Studies indicate that L. acidophilus can reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and even pollen allergy as well as possibly preventing and improving symptoms of the common cold.
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Promotes healthy gut flora and wards off harmful bacteria
Your gut is lined with trillions of bacteria that all play a role in your health. Lactobacilli produces lactic acid, which has been shown to prevent harmful bacteria from colonising the intestines. It has also been shown to increase the levels of short chain fatty acids in the gut and enhance other healthy bacteria in the gut, such as other lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria, promoting gut health.
May help to reduce cholesterol
Studies have shown that L. acidophilus can help to reduce cholesterol by as much as 7%. High cholestrol increases the risk of heart disease. Every 1% reduction in blood cholesterol is associated with with an estimated 2-3% reduction in heart disease risk. L.acidophilus therefore provides significant benefits to your heart.
May improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Research suggests IBS might be caused by certain types of bacteria in the intestines. Studies have suggested that L. acidophilus can improve bloating and abdominal pain.
Essential for the development of white blood cells
L-Arginine is necessary for the development of T-cells (white blood cells) that play a crucial role in your body’s immune response.
May improve insulin sensitivity
Insulin is a hormone that transports blood sugar from your blood, into your cells where it’s used for energy. Nitric Oxide is crucial to this process and L-Arginine is crucial to the production of Nitric Oxide. Research alludes to L-Arginine supplemengtation improving glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity in diabetics. Therefore Nitric Oxide supplementation may enhance the function of cells that secrete insulin and help your body regulate blood sugar more efficiently.
May improve energy and enhance athletic performance
Evidence suggests L-arginine supplements increase Nitric Oxide in the body, which enhances blood flow and the oxygenation of muscles. A 2017 study found that athletes who supplemented with L-Arginine for 45 days, significantly increased sporting performance, specifically VO2 max.
May improve blood pressure
A 2016 review of 7 studies found that L-Arginine supplementation significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure in adults with high blood pressure.
Lavender Flower
Lavender Flower
Recognised sleep aid
Lavender has been recognised for its sleep and mental health benefits since ancient Egypt. A 2017 study found Lavender to be an effective remedy in improving sleep quality. In other countries, such as Germany, Lavender has been approved as a supplement to treat sleep disruption, restlessness and stomach irritation.
Reduces anxiety and improves mood
A review of studies and research found Lavender supplementation to be beneficial in reducing anxiety. One study concluded that oral Lavender supplementation was closely comparable to the effectiveness of Lorazepam, a prescription only medication used to treat anxiety disorders.
Lemon Balm
Lemon Balm
Helps to relieve stress and reduce anxiety
A 2004 study found that Lemon Balm supplementation increased calmness and reduced feelings of alertness. A more recent study shows the substance can improve mood and reduce anxiety.
May relieve indigestion and an upset stomach
Lemon balm contains citronellal, linalool, geraniol and beta-caryophyllene. These compounds have anti-spasm and anti-gas properties. Studies show Lemon Balm can help treat symptoms of upset stomach, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and acid reflux.
May boost cognitive function
Studies indicate lemon balm may enhance cognition, particularly in tasks involving memory, mathematics and concentration.
Helps to relieve nausea
A meta review conducted in 2005 found Lemon Balm to be useful in treating nausea.
Can ease insomnia and relieve restlessness
Researchers found that Lemon Balm combined with Valerian Root significantly improves sleep quality. It is thought this combination of herbs functions alonside GABA receptors to reduce neuronal excitability, delivering a mild sedative effect whilst also stimulating serotonin production – the ‘feel good’ hormone.
Highly nutritious source of vitamins and minerals
Maca is low in calories and high in vitamin C, Vitamin B6 as well as a rich source of Manganese, Potassium, Copper and Iron.
Improves mood and can help to combat symptoms of depression
Maca consumption has long been associated with reduced anxiety and symptoms of depression. It is thought that Maca’s high concentration of flavonoids could be responsible for these psychological benefits.
Increase sexual desire
Effective at increasing sexual desire in both men and women.
Enhances endurance
Maca has been linked to increased energy and enhanced endurance. One study found that male cyclists supplementing with Maca extract over a 14 day period significantly improved their time trial pace.
Aids male fertility
Several studies have concluded that Maca improves male fertility. One such study showed regular consumption of Maca powder increased the volume, count and motility of sperm in healthy men. Several studies have found that Maca helped alleviate menopausal symptoms in women, including hot flashes and interrupted sleep.
Improve bone health and density
Manganese, calcium, copper and zinc work together to increase and support bone mineral density and thereby reduce the likelihood of bone breaks and fractures.
Essential for healthy brain function
Not only does Manganese help to protect brain cells from oxidative stress given its antioxidant benefit, it can also stimulate more efficient movement of electrical impulses throughout your body which may boost brain function.
Potent antioxidant effect that protects you from chronic disease
Manganese forms part of the antioxidant enzyme Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) – a potent antioxidant. SOD helps to combat oxidative stress, inflammation and cell damage caused by Superoxide – one of the most harmful free radicals. One study concluded that low levels of SOD may play a larger role in Heart Disease risk than total cholesterol.
Regulates your thyroid hormones
Manganese plays a role in the production of the hormone Thyroxine, critical to the healthy functioning of your thyroid gland, which helps you maintain proper appetite, metabolism, weight and organ efficiency. Manganese deficiency may contribute to Hypothyroidism, which can cause weight gain and hormone imbalance.
Aids your digestion
Manganese aids in the activation of multiple enzymes and chemical processes in the body. Helping with protein and amino acid digestion, ensuring healthy liver function, the metabolism of cholesterol and carbohydrates, as well as the utilisation of a number of vitamins.
Magnesium is used for over 300 different purposes and involved in over 600 reactions in your body
Magnesium’s role in the body includes; energy creation, protein synthesis, creation and repair of DNA & RNA, muscle movement and the regulation of the nervous system.
Increases bone density
Magnesium supplementation can improve bone density and reduce your risk of Osteoporosis.
Improves mood & fights depression
Magnesium is key to brain function and mood. Low levels have been linked to depression and studies suggest Magnesium supplementation can reduce symptoms of depression.
Improves heart health & lowers blood pressure
Studies show magnesium can lower high blood pressure and consequently reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
Fights against chronic inflammation
Low magnesium levels are linked to chronic inflammation and chronic disease.
Reduces insulin resistance
Magnesium improves your pancreatic function and insulin sensitivity. Maintaining sufficient levels of Magnesium may reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
Natural sleep aid
Magnesium regulates neurotransmitters and melatonin, helping you to relax and guide your sleep cycles.
Boost energy & performance
Magnesium helps transport blood sugar to your muscles and dispose of lactate, providing energy. Studies show Magnesium supplementation in athletes can improve performance and aid recovery.
Prebiotic Fructo-Oligosaccharides (FOS)
Prebiotic Fructo-Oligosaccharides (FOS)
Proven prebiotic that enhances the effect of probiotics
FOS is a non digestible, high fibre prebiotic that is able to travel completely intact through the small intestine to the colon, where it supports the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. Prebiotics like FOS exist as food for the probiotic bacteria that you ingest, and consequently improve the effect of probiotics. The use of prebiotics and probiotics together is called microbiome therapy.
May help to alleviate constipation
FOS is a great source of dietary fibre that has been shown to reduce and even eliminate constipation.
May suppress harmful bacteria and toxins
FOS helps to suppress clostridium perfringens, a toxic, harmful bacteria linked to food poisoning.
Rhodiola Rosacea
Rhodiola Rosacea
Improves cognitive performance
Studies show Rhodiola can enhance attention levels, concentration and reaction time.
Helps to alleviate fatigue
Rhodiola has been shown to reduce fatigue.
May help to combat symptoms of depression
Rhodiola, classified as an adaptogen, is believed to help you handle stressful situations. One study found that Rhodiola supplementation significantly improved symptoms of stress, such as fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety. Believed also to have antidepressant properties, Rhodiola may help to regulate neurotransmitters in the brain. Studies have concluded that the substance can reduce symptoms of depression, insomnia and emotional stability.
Improves physical performance and endurance
Rhodiola has also been shown to improve exercise performance and elevate physical endurance.
Promotes healthy immune response
Selenium deficiency has been shown to harm immune cell function and may lead to a slower immune response.
Reduces your risk of heart disease
A review of the available research found that increasing Selenium levels by 50% reduces the risk of Coronary Artery Disease by 24%.
Powerful antioxidant effect that protects your cells and tissues from oxidative damage caused by free radicals
Oxidative stress has been linked to chronic conditions like Heart Disease, Alzheimers, Cancer as well as premature ageing and risk of Stroke. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that protects against the effects of oxidative stress and inflammation caused by free radicals.
Promotes the proper functioning of the thyroid
Your thyroid regulates your metabolism and controls growth and development. Selenium protects the thyroid against oxidative damage and is crucial in the production of thyroid hormones.
May prevent and help to combat neurodegenerative disease
Studies have shown that those suffering from Alzheimers Disease have lower blood levels of Selenium, and research indicates Selenium supplementation may improve their mental function.
Improves quality of sleep
Several studies indicate the beneficial effects of Theanine on quality and duration of sleep. Studies show that Theanine supplementation contributes to greater sleep satisfaction and more restful sleep.
Promotes relaxation
Theanine promotes the generation of a-waves in the brain as well as reducing heart rate and promoting vascular relaxation, inducing a state of balanced relaxation without causing drowsiness.
Promotes cardiovascular health
Theanine’s ability to induce vascular relaxation, reduce heart rate and combat stress may directly promote all round cardiovascular health.
Potent anti-inflammatory with powerful antioxidant effect
Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. So potent, it rivals some pharmaceutical grade anti-inflammatory drugs, but with no side effects. Research strongly suggests that chronic inflammation plays a significant role in every chronic, western disease. These include Heart Disease, Alzheimers, Cancer, Arthritis and Neurodegenerative Disorders.
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May help combat depression
Studies indicate Curcumin as being an effective treatment for Depression and Anxiety. One study concluded that Curcumin treatment led to improvements that were similar to the beneficial effect of Prozac.
Promotes all-round cardiovascular health
As well as reducing oxidation and inflammation that have both been linked to several chronic cardiovascular conditions and diseases, research suggests Curcumin can improve blood flow, reduce high blood pressure and reduce levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood, minimising risk of Stroke and Heart Disease.
Stimulates autophagy
Oxidative damage is linked to both disease and ageing. Curcumin is able to neutralise free radicals and in so doing, prevent oxidative damage that can cause harm to your cells. Curcumin helps to clear away old, damaged cells in order to regenerate newer healthier cells (autophagy). The substance also increases the activity of your own body’s antioxidant enzymes.
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Ease joint pain
Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties can be highly effective in treating joint pain. One study found that treating Rheumatoid Arthritis with Curcumin proved more effective than doing so with an anti-inflammatory drug.
Fights cognitive decline
Curcumin can increase levels of DHA in your brain. DHA is a compound that protects your brain. Deficiency can increase the risk of neurodegenerative disease.
Protects and improves liver function
The antioxidant effect of Turmeric appears to be sufficiently potent to protect your liver from damage caused by toxins.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A
Promotes healthy skin cell production
Commonly referred to as Retinol, Vitamin A is known to maintain healthy skin and studies have shown it to be effective at reducing wrinkles. Vitamin A deficiency may increase your risk of acne.
Maintains healthy eyesight
Maintains healthy eyesight and protects your eyes from night blindness and age related decline.
Boosts your immune system and enhances your body's natural defences
Supports a healthy immune system by maintaining your body’s natural defences. Vitamin A contributes to the maintenance of normal mucus membranes in your internal organs, helping to trap bacteria and other infectious agents. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in the production and function of white blood cells, which help capture and clear bacteria from the bloodstream.
Maintains reproductive health and is critical to embryonic development
Vitamin A is crucial for maintaining a healthy reproductive system in both men and women. It is also needed to ensure the normal growth and development of embryos during pregnancy, particularly the skeleton, heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, nervous system and eyes.
Powerful antioxidant that protects your brain and cardiovascular system from degenerative damage
Vitamin A contains Carotenoids, these are a type of antioxidant that fight against oxidative stress and inflammation caused by free radicals. Research indicates a significant correlation between oxidative stress and conditions like heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders.
Fights wrinkles
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1
Enhances your cardiovascular health
Vitamin B1 contributes to the normal functioning of the heart and is essential in the production of Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter which is crucial to maintaining cardiovascular health, reducing the likelihood of certain cardiovascular conditions and regulating heartbeat. B1 appears to lower blood pressure, which reduces the risk of chronic hypertension.
Enhances your energy & endurance
Contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism ensuring your body is able to convert the food and drink you consume into energy. Thiamine is involved in multiple metabolic processes throughout the body.
Fights againts age-related neurodegeneration
Vitamin B1 supplementation appears to be beneficial for every type of Dementia, especially those with Alzheimer’s disease.
Promotes healthy immune response
Boosts your mood and reduces stress levels
Contributes to the normal function of the nervous system. Considered highly effective in combatting stress. By consequence, Thiamine is beneficial to your immunity and overall psychological wellbeing.
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2
Powerful antioxidant effects
Vitamin B2 is often overlooked for its antioxident effect. Antioxidants protect your cells and tissues from oxidative stress caused by free radicals and toxic pollutants. Free radicals can over time build up and contribute to diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disease, heart disease, and arthritis.
Maintains healthy eyesight
Vitamin B2 has been found to prevent our eyes sensitivity to light whilst also contributing to the maintenance of normal, healthy vision. Studies also allude to Riboflavin’s role in our eyes’ ability to see in, and adapt to darkness.
Reduces the frequency of migraines
Research suggests a positive correlation between maintaining sufficient Riboflavin and the reduction in both risk and frequency of migraines.
Maintains healthy red blood cells and may prevent anemia
Riboflavin is required by your body for the maintenance of normal red blood cells; contributing to the normal metabolism of iron in the body and so may play a role in preventing anaemia.
Get energised
Vitamin B2 contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. B2 helps to break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates, providing your body with a steady supply of energy.
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6
Energy boosting
Vitamin B6 is involved in Glycogenolysis and Gluconeogenesis. Glycogenolysis is the process whereby glycogen is broken down to glucose (the bodies preferred energy source) and dispersed throughout the body to provide energy. Gluconeogenesis refers to the bodies ability to produce glucose from amino acids, lactate and glycerol when glycogen stores are depleted so as to maintain performance.
Encourages healthy sleep patterns
Improves mood and symptoms of depression
May prevent and treat anemia
B6 is essential in the production of haemoglobin in the blood. Haemoglobin is a protein that delivers oxygen to your cells. When low this results in your cells not getting sufficient oxygen. Often, the result of this deficiency is anaemia and weakness. B6 supplementation may therefore be helpful in preventing and treating anemia caused by deficiency.
Immunity boosting
Vitamin B6 promotes the production of lymphocytes and interleukin-2. Lymphocytes are white blood cells and one of the main types of immune cells that are crucial in protecting your body from infections caused by viruses, fungi, parasites and bacteria. Interleukin-2 regulates the activities of white blood cells responsible for immunity.
Protects your psychological function
Vitamin B6 plays a significant role in mood regulation. Vitamin B6 is required by the body to create neurotransmitters that regulate emotions and mood, including serotonin, dopamine and gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA). One study found that B6 deficiency doubled the likelihood of depression. B6 is also believed to decrease levels of the non essential amino acid, homocysteine in your blood. High levels of this substance have been linked to depression and other neurodegenerative illness.
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Reduce risk of heart disease
B6 decreases elevated levels of homocysteine associated with multiple diseases, including heart disease. B6 is also suggested to reduce bad cholesterol so may provide a host of cardiovascular benefits. Research shows that B6 deficiency can double the risk of heart disease.
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B3
Boosts your mood
Contributes to the normal function of the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and therefore improving mood. Vitamin B3 is used by your body to produce the enzymes NAD and NADP, vital to both your nervous and metabolic systems. Various adverse psychiatric symptoms are associated with Niacin deficiency.
Promotes healthy skin
Improves your skin health by protecting you from the damaging effects of UV rays. Studies indicate Niacin may help to prevent certain types of skin cancer.
Improves neurological health
Keeps you energised
Contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
Boosts your immune system
Supports a healthy immune system by maintaining your body’s natural defences. Contributes to the maintenance of normal mucus membranes in your internal organs, helping to trap bacteria and other infectious agents.
Reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol
Vitamin B3 has been used to treat high cholesterol for over 50 years, especially in those that have an intolerance to statins. Studies indicate that Vitamin B3 reduces harmful forms of cholesterol (such as LDL-C) and increases good cholesterol levels (HDL-C), improving your cardiovascular health. Niacin may also help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which can lead to the hardening of your arteries.
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B5
Improves your digestive system
Vitamin B5 improves digestive systems and function by synthesising digestive enzymes.
Critical to the effectiveness of other B vitamins
Vitamin B5 contributes to the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, neurotransmitters and Vitamin D, allowing your cells to reproduce and repair. B vitamins require pantothenic acid to be truly effective. Collectively, B vitamins help to keep your brain, heart, hair, skin and liver healthy.
Enhances your mental performance
Vitamin B5 is vital in assisting your brain to produce neurotransmitters. Severe cases of Vitamin B5 deficiency can lead to brain fog and more serious neurological impairment.
Skin health boost
Vitamin B5 has both antibacterial and skin-softening qualities.
Keeps you energised
Transforms carbohydrates into glucose, which your body uses to provide you with energy.
Reduces your cholesterol to maintain cardiovascular health
Pantothenic acid reduces bad cholesterol. If bad cholesterol is left alone, your arteries can harden and you are at risk of stroke and / or heart attack.
Vitamin B7
Vitamin B7
Luscious locks
Maintaining sufficient levels of Biotin is crucial for healthy, strong hair. Common signs of deficiency include hair loss. Biotin supplementation in deficient individuals has been been shown to increase hair follicle strength.
Promotes healthy psychological function and safeguards your nervous system
Research indicates that Biotin is crucial to the body’s ability to synthesise Myelin. Myelin is a substance that coats and protects nerve fibres within your nervous system. Deterioration of this protective sheath leads to debilitating conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS) which causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of your body, eventually resulting in severe pain and permanent damage or deterioration of the nerves.
Healthy, hydrated skin
Biotin helps to maintain the mucus membranes of the skin whilst also playing a crucial role in metabolising fat, essential for maintaining healthy skin. Biotin deficiency can lead to red, scaly rashes.
Feel energised
Biotin helps your body convert food into energy, supporting a number of enzymes involved in the breakdown of carbs, fats and proteins.
Strong nails
Biotin has been shown to improve nail strength and health, especially in those deficient. Research suggests that regular supplementation in accordance with recommended intake, for a sustained period of time has led to an increase of nail thickness by up to 25%.
Reduces bad cholesterol
Biotin reduces LDL-C cholesterol levels, reducing your risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
Vitamin B9
Vitamin B9
Controls gene expression
Critical to the synthesis and repair of your RNA and DNA, as well as having a role in the process of cell division helping your cells to repair and grow.
Promotes cardiovascular health
Homocysteine is an amino acid produced when proteins are broken down. Vitamin B9 (Folic acid), alongside B6 and B12 break down Homocysteine and synthesise other substances beneficial to your body. High levels of Homocysteine contribute to multiple cardiovascular diseases and indicate B9 deficiency. Ensuring you have sufficient levels of Vitamin B12, B6 and B9 is crucial to reducing levels of Homocysteine in your body.
Promotes infant health
Folic acid helps your unborn baby’s brain, skull and spinal cord develop healthily to avoid neural tube defects such as Spina Bifida and Anencephaly. Neural tube defects occur in the first month of pregnancy, often before a woman knows that she is pregnant. You should therefore take Folic Acid supplements if there is any chance you might conceive a baby.
Healthy red blood cells
Folic acid contributes to the maturation of red blood cells.
Protects your psychological function
Vitamin B9 is believed to decrease the levels of amino acid Homocysteine in the blood. Heightened levels of Homocysteine have been linked to depression, other psychiatric illnesses and neurodegenerative conditions. Studies have shown that folate based supplements may reduce symptoms of depression and schizophrenia when used in conjuntion with prescribed medications.
Immunity boosting
Inadequate levels of vitamin B9, as well as other B vitamins, can materially alter immune responses by affecting the production of nucleic acid (protein synthesis), interfering with metabolic processes and even inhibiting the activity of immune cells.
Reduces side effects of certain medicines
Folic acid is known to assist in reducing common side effects caused by pharmaceutical treatments such as Methotrexate, used to treat Arthritis, Crohn’s Disease and Psoriasis. Additionally some such treatments especially for Rheumatoid Arthritis cause Folic Acid deficiency, so it is crucial to supplement with Folic Acid when you are taking these medications.
Energy boosting & endurance enhancing
Folic acid, like all 8 B vitamins help the body to convert carbohydrates into glucose. B9 helps your body transmit glucose to your organs and tissues, providing you with energy, endurance, as well as allowing for cellular repair and development.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12
Fights fatigue
Vitamin B12 helps the body convert carbohydrates into glucose. Your body utilises gluecose as energy. B12 deficiency has long been associated with low energy levels.
Promotes cardiovascular health
Homocysteine is an amino acid produced when proteins are broken down. Vitamin B6, B9 and B12 break down Homocysteine and synthesise other substances beneficial to your body. High levels of Homocysteine contribute to multiple cardiovascular diseases and indicate deficiency. Ensuring you have sufficient levels of Vitamin B6, B9 and B12 is crucial to reducing levels of Homocysteine in your body.
May help bone density
Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause lower than normal bone mineral density. Research also indicates a strong correlation between B12 deficiency and a heightened risk of osteoporosis, especially in women.
Protects your psychological function and may improve memory
Vitamin B12 helps to prevent the loss of neurons in the brain, known as brain atrophy. Brain atrophy is associated with memory loss and Dementia. Deficiency in B12 has been shown to contribute to poor memory performance. Studies indicate that B12 supplementation can help to slow mental decline.
Healthy red blood cells
Vitamin B12 is vital to healthy red blood cell production. Deficiency causes red blood cells to become larger and misshapen meaning they struggle to move freely through your arteries and veins, preventing your blood from transporting oxygen to your organs and tissues. This condition is called Megaloblastic Anemia.
May prevent macular degeneration
Maintaining adequate levels of B12 may assist in the prevention of age-related macular degeneration.
Improves your mood and may help to treat depression
B12 plays a crucial role in synthesizing and matabolising serotonin, a chemical responsible for regulating mood. B12 deficiency has been associated with twice the risk of severe depression. Studies have shown that B12 supplements may reduce symptoms of depression and schizophrenia when used in conjuntion with prescribed medications.
Promotes health of Mother and Baby
Research suggests that a fetus’ brain and nervous system require sufficient B12 levels from the mother to develop properly. B12 deficiency in the beginning stages of pregnancy may increase the risk of birth defects and contribute to premature birth or miscarriage.
Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails
Adequate levels of B12 are needed to promote healthy skin, hair and nails. Deficiency can cause hyperpigmentation, nail discolouration, hair changes and vitiligo.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C
Promotes immune health
Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the average duration of cold symptoms. This vitamin encourages the production and effectiveness of white blood cells, notably, Lymphoctes and Phagocytes which protect your body from infection.
Beneficial to your mental health
Vitamin C has a great many neurological benefits including the production of a host of enzymes involved in cognition, as well as contributing to the synthesis of hormones such as, noradrenaline and adrenaline. A powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C protects your brain cells from the harmful effects of excessive stimulation and oxidative stress. Furthermore, Vitamin C deficiency puts you at risk of scurvy. Symptoms of scurvy include; depression and personality changes.
Helps to prevent iron deficiency
Iron is critical in the synthesis of red blood cells and the transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Vitamin C helps to improve the absorbtion of iron from the diet, converting iron that is poorly absorbed into a more absorbable form. Vitamin C may therefore help reduce your risk of anemia.
Helps to maintain healthy skin, nails, teeth, gums & bones
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body; crucial for the growth, development and repair of your body’s tissues. Vitamin C is essential in the formation of collagen and is consequently critical in maintaining healthy cartilage, bones, teeth, gums, skin, nails and blood vessels.
Maintains your nervous system and cognitive health
Critical to the production and maintenance of energy and endurance
Weakness and fatigue are a common sign of vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is essential for converting the food and drink we consume into energy, as well as assisting our bodies in the absorbtion of various vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.
May reduce your risk of chronic cardiovascular disease
As a potent antioxidant, Vitamin C protects your body from oxidative stress caused by free radicals and appears to improve blood flow. Free radicals can build up over time and contribute to degenerative diseases such as Cancer, Heart Disease and Arthritis.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3
Boosts immunity and may reduce the risk of contracting the flu
Vitamin D provides energy to immune cells so that they can work more effectively in preventing illness and infection. One study showed that Vitamin D supplementation during winter months resulted in a 40% less likelihood of contracting influenza in children.
Regulates mood and staves off SAD
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder (SAD), a condition adversely affecting your mental health during the dark, winter months.
Keeps your bones & teeth strong
Vitamin D helps your body to regulate Calcium and Phosphate levels, preventing bone density loss and maintaining healthy, strong teeth & muscles.
May reduce your risk of neurodegenerative conditions
Scientific research strongly suggests that Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a substantially increased risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
May improve muscle strength
Studies indicate Vitamin D has a positive effect on muscle strength and postural stability.
Relieves inflammation
Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to inflammation and inflammatory diseases including Rheumatoid Arthritis. Vitamin D shows a significant anti-inflammatory effect on cells.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E
Powerful antioxidant that protects your cells from free radicals
Vitamin E is essential to the body’s antoxidant system, helping to fight back against the harmful build up of free radicals and inflammation. Vitamin E may therefore protect your body from a variety of inflammation-related conditions, such as Atherosclerosis.
Protects the skin against ageing, inflammation and UV rays
The antioxidant effects of Vitamin E protect the skin from oxidative stress both internally and externally. Vitamin E also stimulates Collagen synthesis, helping both your skin and hair to look and feel healthier.
Improves your eyesight and may guard against cataracts
Studies indicate that Vitamin E’s antioxidant effects may help to combat age-related eye conditions like Cataracts. Cataracts occur due to oxidative stress caused by free radicals.
Healthy hair and scalp
Believed to promote a healthy head of hair by improving scalp circulation and regulating our hairs natural oils.
Stimulates healthy immune response
Vital to the body’s immune response, Vitamin E stimulates our body’s defences and increases phagocytic functions. Phagocytes are cells that protect the body by ingesting harmful pathogens, bacteria and dead or dying cells.
Encourages prostaglandin production to help your muscles recover from exercise
Prostaglandins are produced and released to aid tissue recovery following damage or stress. Vitamin E increases the level of this compound in your blood to allow faster recovery following exercise and physical stress.
Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2
Improves bone health & density
Vitamin K supplementation has been shown to improve bone density and shape in post-menopausal women. Research indicates a correlation between Vitamin K supplementation and a decreased chance of bone fractures.
Contributes to normal blood clotting
Vitamin K’s vital role in blood clotting allows you to heal from cuts and scrapes.
Prevents some cardiovasular diseases
Research suggests K2 prevents the buildup of Calcium in your arteries which can ultimately lead to heart failure and fatal coronary conditions.
Boost your immune system
Zinc is necessary for your immune response to function correctly, stimulating specific immune cells and reducing oxidative stress. Zinc has been found to significantly reduce the duration of the common cold and the risk of infection.
Critical to cell function throughout your body
Zinc is fundamental to the activity of over 300 enzymes that aid metabolism, digestion, nerve function, growth, senses, protein production and DNA synthesis.
Critical for a healthy gut
Zinc deficiency can lead to numerous gastrointestinal disorders. Supplementing with Zinc has been shown to help treat Diarrhea, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Colitis.
Reduce your risk of degenrative cognitive conditions and chronic cardiovascular illness
Zinc decreases oxidative stress and consequently, inflammation. Chronic Inflammation caused by oxidative stress has been shown to contribute to multiple chronic illnesses, such as Heart Disease, Depression, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Alzheimer’s Disease.
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Helps you heal faster from wounds and improves protein production
Zinc is crucial to Collagen synthesis and therefore the health of your skin, hair, nails, bones, eyes and muscles.
Boosts your fertility
Zinc has been shown to maintain healthy levels of testosterone in the blood as well as substantially increase sperm count in men, promoting reproductive health.